Sunday, July 12, 2009



directed by Stanley Kubrick

This might just be the greatest historical epic I've ever seen. The spectacle is apparent, but doesn't draw too much attention to itself. The script is subtle and subversive, and the acting, while not altogether flawless, has moments of master-work. The story centers around a slave (Kirk Douglas) who leads a revolt against Rome (represented by Laurence Olivier). To be honest, that's really all you need to know. The script is brilliant; it essentially takes fact and uses speculation as a means of artistic license. It probably didn't happen this way... but it COULD HAVE, and wouldn't it have been AWESOME if it DID? This film may have lost the Oscar race to the good but over-rated THE APARTMENT (1960), but it still puts GLADIATOR's (2000) Oscar-winning fun but history-raping plot to shame.


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