Friday, May 29, 2009


directed by Sam Raimi

Old school horror is finally back! Finally! After all the torture porn of the last few years, the closest we've been able to come from having something worth the price of admission that wouldn't leave us feeling like we just watched a snuff film was THE DESCENT.

It's a very simple story and that's one of the best things about it. It doesn't complicate itself looking for ways to trick us up. It just does the same things other horror films do better. There's nothing like watching an experienced filmmaker do things other filmmakers try and invariably suck at.

It's unfortunate Sam Raimi doesn't think he's got anything terribly special here. He inserts lots of unnecessary gross-out moments (they're unnecessary because they serve the story any at all, not because I didn't squirm with glee when they came); he also just can't help but pay homage to the Evil Dead films with one of his patented "flying possessed/demon" moments. It's the silliest moment in a movie he probably felt needed some silly moments. The scary moments will genuinely scare the living shit out of you.

At least the ending is dead-on. A great time at the movies all the same!


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