Thursday, May 14, 2009

STAR TREK (2009)

directed by J.J. Abrams

You have to be impressed by a film that has the balls to be both a prequel AND a sequel AND a complete reboot, while managing to be the eleventh film in a series, but really the eighth, and since its an alternate universe also the first. Science fiction can do that.

Its a good film on its own right. To be honest, I'm thoroughly against the idea that any film featuring a recurring character could ever be the greatest film ever made, so any Trekkie that goes into Dark Knight territory with talk of this being the "greatest movie ever made," don't bother arguing with them, just slowly walk away. But this is a damn good film. Even better knowing that it's playing with what came before it and finding a way to contain those elements into something fresh, coherent, and absorbing. And what a coup to pay homage to those elements by bringing in an actor from the old series and making his entry into the storyline relevant and prescient! Fantastic filmmaking...

If you're familiar with the characters and the series, then you don't need to know anything more. If you were born in the vast reaches of the jungle and didn't even know there was such a thing as a TV, then perhaps you haven't heard of Star Trek... but that's okay, you don't need to know anything more about this either. You will be both discombobulated by about half the movie, and enraptured by it as well.

The Trekkies that watched it with me were in worshipful adoration. Normally I self-righteously roll my eyes at people when they do that, but this time, instead, I chuckled. I kinda got where they were coming from.


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